A new year


I hope you all had a wonderful holiday time, and a peaceful new year. I like to take a little time at the beginning of each year to think about how the year was, and what I want the next year to look like.

As a weaver, I want to make more things – new drafts, new colours, new fibres. I’m going to try to keep the joy right up front with whatever I’m making – it makes me happier, more creative, and I like to think that each  piece might just be infused with  a little bit of that creative passion.

I want to do some traveling, and see what others are weaving. I’d like to make my life and practice more local, more sustainable, deeper. I’d like to collaborate with other makers, maybe. I want to go places, creatively, that I can’t even imagine right now.

And that’s the fun of it, right? I hope for all of you a creative and happy new year, in which we all stretch a little bit and see what happens.

What are your plans for 2018?